Why Do You Need Fiber? Why Is Fiber Important?

Essentially, fiber is the #1 champion and will help you poop like one too.

20 minute read / a leisurely toilet break

Fiber is an extremely important part of maintaining gut health. Digestive health experts talk about it all the time. We’ve outlined four myths and facts about fiber to convince you to improve your gut health with a high fiber diet.

MYTH: Fiber has zero calories and there's no real point to it.

FACT: This is true for only a certain category of fiber - insoluble fiber, which we'll get to in a bit.

It's the potent combination of insoluble and soluble fibers that make the real magic happen and why our products work. 

To quote our certified health specialist: “each fiber has a job, and when the two are combined, it takes pooping to the next level.”

Insoluble fiber is indigestible material, therefore zero calories. You can find this in corn bran, whole grains, vegetables. As it sits in your GI tract, it absorbs fluid, sticks to other products of digestion to form into poop, glorious poop!

Other benefits of insoluble fibers:
• Speeds up the processing of waste
• Prevents constipation
• Reduces the risk of developing haemorrhoids in the colon and colorectal cancer

Soluble fiber does have calories and you can find this in psyllium, oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds. They soften your dookie by dissolving in water or absorbing it. As it moves through your GI tract, it begins to swell and skim the lining of your intestine, and scrubs out your colon squeaky clean.

Other benefits of soluble fibers:

• Slows down how quickly foods are digested so you will feel full for longer
• Helps with weight management
• Lowers cholesterol levels and stabilises blood sugar or glucose levels
• Feeds healthy gut bacteria 

MYTH: Fiber is not nutritious and we don't necessarily need them in our diet.

FACT: Fibers are extremely important in supporting your gastrointestinal (GI) health and helps your food pass smoothly through the digestive system. 

As they say, behind every champion is a buttload of fiber. Having a high fiber diet has been proven to protect you from chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity.

Unfortunately, Americans on average are only consuming 10 to 15 grams of total fiber per day, as estimated by Harvard Health Blog.

This is USDA’s recommended daily fiber intake for adults:

Women under 50: 25 to 28 grams a day / just over 1 serving of our Original Ultra Fiber Cereal
Men under 50: 31 to 34 grams a day  / 11 Apple Cider Vinegar Fiber Gummies

Women 51 and older: 22 grams a day / 7 Apple Cider Vinegar Fiber Gummies
Men 51 and older: 28 grams a day / 1.2 servings of our Original Ultra Fiber Cereal

MYTH: Fiber makes you gassy.

FACT: ONLY if you're excessively eating fiber beyond the recommended daily intake (see point #2).

We’ve also kept our products gluten free so that you can enjoy every bite without feeling bloated or gassy.

*Protip* If you’re introducing more fiber to your diet, do it gradually. Give your body to adjust and instead follow a regular routine of a high-fiber diet that you can get used to day by day.

And drink more water as you increase your daily fiber intake. Hydration is key to a healthy, poop-forward lifestyle.

MYTH: High fiber diets don’t really fill you up.

FACT: Fiber actually makes you feel full for longer.

Fiber has proven to be extremely helpful for weight management and weight loss!

Fiber provides bulk and it slows down the time it takes to empty your stomach whilst making digestion time longer. This is how you can actually feel full from a low carb, high fiber diet.

Now that you know the 101 on fiber, here are some ways you can finally poop like the champion that you are

High-Fiber Wonders to Get Your Gut Going

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